Online Learning Education Strategies Module 2

When you complete this module you will be able to:

Utilizing email in your online education

As an online student, it is essential to have strong communication skills, particularly when it comes to email. Email is a primary form of communication in the online learning environment, and being able to effectively communicate with your instructor is crucial to your success. It is important to establish a professional and respectful relationship with your instructor by regularly emailing them with any questions or concerns you may have. Doing so demonstrates your engagement in your studies and helps to ensure a positive learning experience. While it may be intimidating at first, sending emails to your instructor is an important aspect of being a proactive and successful online learner. 

Effective communication through email is crucial in an online academic setting. As a student, it is essential to establish a rapport with your instructor by actively participating in online discussions and communicating with them regularly. While it may be intimidating at first, sending emails to your instructor is an important aspect of being a proactive and engaged post-secondary learner. Maintaining open and respectful communication with your instructor throughout the semester will not only enhance your learning experience, but also demonstrate your dedication to your studies. 

Email is a common and convenient method of communication in an online learning environment. As a student, you may find it easy to email your instructor with questions or concerns. However, it is important to keep in mind that emails can be misinterpreted if not written clearly. To ensure that your instructor understands your message and to make it easy for them to read and respond, here are a few tips to follow when sending emails:

Thank your instructor for their time

It is essential to maintain a professional and respectful tone when emailing your instructor. Use a clear and specific subject line, and begin your email with a formal greeting such as "Dear Professor Smith." Avoid using casual language or terms like "hey" or "hello." Instead, opt for a more formal greeting such as "Hello Professor Smith," or "Good afternoon Professor Smith." When concluding your email, use a formal closing like "Sincerely," or "Best regards." Remember to treat your email as a professional business communication, as it reflects on your professionalism and dedication to your studies. 

Proper grammar and punctuation are essential when emailing your instructor. This demonstrates your attention to detail and your commitment to the class. To make your email easy to read and understand, consider breaking up your message into clear and concise paragraphs. 

Use appropriate punctuation, and take the time to proofread your email before sending it. 

Remember, your instructor is more likely to be able to help you if they can understand your message. By making an effort to communicate clearly and professionally, you can effectively convey your questions or concerns and build a positive relationship with your instructor. 

When emailing your instructor, it is important to be concise and to the point. Avoid sending long emails that include unnecessary details or come across as rambling. Keep your tone friendly and respectful, and aim to clearly communicate your message in a few concise paragraphs. At the same time, it is also important to provide enough information for your instructor to understand your question or concern. A good rule of thumb is to aim for around 3-4 paragraphs, or about 200-300 words.

For example, if you have a question about a homework assignment, you might begin your email by introducing yourself and stating the course and assignment in question. Next, you could clearly state your question or concern. Finally, you might end your email by thanking your instructor for their time and considering your message. By following this structure, you can effectively communicate with your instructor in a professional and respectful manner.

Fourth, it is a good idea to make sure that you actually need to send the email in the first place. Sometimes, simply reading through your syllabus, assignment description, class website, or lecture notes can answer many of the questions you might have.

Before sending an email to your instructor, it is important to make sure that it is necessary. Before contacting your instructor, consider whether your question or concern can be answered by reviewing your syllabus, assignment description, class website, or lecture notes. These resources may provide the information you need to clarify any uncertainties or doubts you may have.

For example, if you have a question about a deadline, check the course syllabus or assignment description first. If you have a question about course material, review your lecture notes or the class website. By taking the time to explore these resources, you may be able to find the answer you are looking for without having to send an email.

Of course, there may be times when you genuinely need to contact your instructor for further clarification or assistance. In these cases, it is important to follow the guidelines outlined above to ensure that your email is professional and clear. By taking the time to carefully consider whether an email is necessary and how to effectively communicate your message, you can build a positive and productive relationship with your instructor.

Effectively use online forums

To use forums effectively for learning in an online course, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

If your instructor has provided a rubric for online posts, be sure to familiarize yourself with it and use it as a guide to help you create strong forum posts. By following these guidelines, you can make the most of the forum tool and use it to support your learning in an online course.

Useful tips when engaging in online discussions/ forums

When participating in online forum discussions, it is important to:

For example, let's say you are participating in a forum discussion about the impact of technology on education. To make connections between the course content and your own understanding, you might reflect on how technology has influenced your own learning experiences and share your thoughts on its potential benefits and challenges. To respond to others' posts in a supportive and respectful manner, you might agree with their perspective and add your own insights, or respectfully disagree and explain why. By following these tips and actively engaging in the forum discussions, you can make the most of this tool and use it to support your learning in an online course.

The right way of giving Feedback

Effective feedback is an essential part of the learning process in an online environment. It helps to clarify what is being done well and how areas for improvement can be addressed. When giving feedback, it is important to focus on specific aspects of the work and provide concrete examples of what is being done correctly and how it can be improved. It is also helpful to suggest next steps or provide resources for further development.

For example, if you are giving feedback on a classmate's essay, you might begin by noting what the essay does well, such as the use of strong evidence to support the thesis. You could then suggest ways to improve, such as including more analysis or providing more context for the evidence. Finally, you might recommend some next steps, such as seeking feedback from the instructor or revising the essay to address the areas for improvement.

Similarly, when receiving feedback, it is important to be open and receptive to constructive criticism. Take the time to reflect on the feedback and consider how you can incorporate it into your work. It is also helpful to ask for clarification or additional resources if you need more guidance. By actively giving and receiving feedback, you can improve your learning and grow as a learner in an online environment.

Proper way of receiving feedback

It is important to remember that feedback, whether positive or negative, is meant to be constructive and help you improve. However, it can be difficult to receive feedback, especially if you perceive it as criticism. In these situations, it is important to try to remain open and receptive to the feedback, even if it is difficult to hear.

One way to approach receiving feedback is to suspend your initial reaction and take the time to fully understand the information being presented. You can do this by paraphrasing what you have heard and asking for clarification if anything is unclear. This can help you to see the feedback from another perspective and gain a better understanding of what is being communicated.

For example, if you receive feedback on a group project that you feel is negative, you might try to suspend your initial reaction and ask for further clarification. You might say something like, "I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Could you give me an example of how we could improve the project?" By actively seeking clarification and understanding, you can more effectively use feedback to improve your work.

How to Give and Receive Feedback

Receiving Feedback

Ideally, listen to his/her comments and find the positive side of them. Then, explain your position or point of view without feeling that you must justify yourself. Determine the importance of the message to you. You may choose not to change. Any discussion will profit from more information. You can wall yourself away from information and change by being defensive. You may open new lines of communication by being open.

Giving Positive Feedback

It is easy to criticize and to think that we are helping a person deal with a situation. Feedback can be positive if it:

is offered at the right time and place,

is offered with comments on good points as well as possible changes,

is connected to facts and not rumours,

is directed to behaviour that can be changed,

is specific and one point at a time, and

gives information and possible solutions to change the situation.

How to Properly Give and Receive Feedback

Giving positive feedback can be a powerful tool for supporting and motivating others, but it is important to approach it with care. Before offering feedback, it is essential to ensure that the person is open and receptive to hearing it. If they are not ready to receive your comments, they may become defensive or hostile, and your feedback may not be effective.

To avoid this, it is important to ask permission before giving feedback. You might say something like, "I have some feedback that I think might be helpful. Is now a good time for you to hear it?" If the person indicates that they are not ready to receive feedback, you may need to discuss the issue or find a different time to offer your comments.

By taking the time to establish agreement and ensure that the person is open to receiving feedback, you can create a positive and productive environment for giving and receiving feedback. This can help to build trust and foster a supportive learning environment.

To give feedback in a constructive manner, it is important to:

For example, let's say you are giving feedback to a colleague on a presentation they gave. You might begin by noting what the presentation did well, such as the use of clear and engaging visuals. You could then suggest ways to improve, such as using more variety in the delivery of the content or providing more context for the data. Finally, you might recommend some next steps, such as seeking feedback from the audience or revising the presentation to address the areas for improvement. By following these tips, you can give feedback in a constructive and supportive manner that helps the person to grow and improve.

Multiple choice questions:

Which of the following is NOT an important aspect of effectively communicating through email in an online learning environment?

a) Establishing a professional and respectful relationship with your instructor

b) Regularly emailing your instructor with questions or concerns

c) Using casual language or terms like "hey" or "hello"

d) Being proactive and engaged in your studies

What is an important tip to follow when sending emails to your instructor?

a) Use a clear and concise subject line

b) Use proper grammar and spelling

c) Be specific and direct in your message

d) All of the above

Which of the following is NOT a good way to conclude an email to your instructor?

a) "Sincerely,"

b) "Best regards,"

c) "Hey,"

d) "Thanks,"

When emailing your instructor, why is it important to use proper grammar and punctuation?

a) To demonstrate your attention to detail

b) To make your email easy to read and understand

c) To show your commitment to the class

d) All of the above

Which of the following is NOT a good practice when emailing your instructor?

a) Being concise and to the point

b) Rambling or including unnecessary details

c) Keeping your tone friendly and respectful

d) Clearly communicating your message in a few concise paragraphs

Which of the following is NOT a learning goal that can be achieved by completing this module?

a) Identify the learning goals for your assignments

b) Use a rubric to assess your work

c) Develop an assignment plan

d) Incorporate feedback to improve your performance

e) Demonstrate an understanding of how to apply these skills to your academic and personal endeavors

f) Understand the fundamental principles of quantum physics

How can emailing your instructor regularly demonstrate your engagement in your studies?

a) By showing that you are interested in the course material

b) By demonstrating that you are proactive and willing to seek help when needed

c) By showing that you are willing to put in extra effort to succeed in your studies

d) All of the above

How can you make your emails easy to read and understand?

a) Use proper grammar and spelling

b) Use appropriate punctuation

c) Break up your message into clear and concise paragraphs

d) All of the above

What is the main benefit of maintaining open and respectful communication with your instructor throughout the semester?

a) It will enhance your learning experience

b) It will demonstrate your dedication to your studies

c) It will help you build a positive relationship with your instructor

d) All of the above

How can you effectively convey your questions or concerns to your instructor through email?

a) Be specific and direct in your message

b) Use a clear and concise subject line

c) Keep your tone friendly and respectful

d) All of the above